The following Berkeley Lab technologies have been named as finalists in the 2017 R&D 100 Award competition:
Energy Technologies Area
- Estimation of Renewable Energy Generation on the Grid (Stewart, Kara, Roberts, Tabone)
- MyGreenCar (Saxena)
- BEST Cities Software (Zhou, Price, Khanna, Ohshita)
Biosciences: Dub-Seq: Double Barcoded Shotgun Expression Library Sequencing (Arkin, Mutalik)
Earth and Environmental Sciences: Reactive Transport Software for Subsurface Applications (Steefel)
Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics: Miniature Ion Accelerator (Persaud, Schenkel, Qing Ji)
Berkeley Lab was a co-nominee in two nominations named as finalists:
National Risk Assessment Partnership (Oldenburg, Daley, Gasperikova with LANL, LLNL, PNNL and NETL)
Geometrically Enhanced Photocathode — nominated by National Security Technologies
Award winners will be announced in November 2017.