NEW Software!
FastKDE calculates a self-consistent probability density estimate of arbitrarily dimensioned data.
This link is for non-commercial use only. For commercial use, contact Sebastian Ainslie,, for licensing information.
Name | Reference Number | Website | Program Description |
Akenti | CR-1560 | | |
AMELIA | CR-2408 | AMELIA : Atlas Multimedia Educational Lab for Interactive Analysis, CR 2408, is designed to produce 3D graphical simulations that let students and other uses decode particle collision events from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The code will be distributed in binary form to high schools around the world. Joao will continue to develop the code with collaborators at CERN and elsewhere. | |
ARPREC For non-commercial use only. Commercial users contact TTD. |
CR-1864 | | An Arbitrary Precision Computation Package. The package permits a scientist to perform computations using an arbitrary high livel of numeric precision, by making only very minor changes to conventional source code. |
BBrowse | CR-2525 | | |
BCVTB | CR-2580 | | |
BeStMan | CR-2404 | | |
BIE | CR-2567 | The BuiIlding Informatics Environment is a modeling environment based on the Modelica language. The environment allows users to create a computer model of a building and its energy systems with various time scales and physical resolutions. The environment can be used for rapid development of e.g. demand controls algorithms new HVAC system solutions and new operational strategies. Models for building energy and control systems are made available in the environment. The models can be used as provided or they can be changed or linked with each other in order to model the effects that a particular user is interested in. | |
BLCR | CR-1970 | CheckpointRestart.shtml | |
BLZPACK | CR-2181 | | |
Camclnt | CR-1623 | mbone/devserv/README.camclnt.html | |
cctbx | CR-1726 | | |
CHOMBO | CR-1605 | | |
CHOS | CR-2025 | | |
DDFUN/DSFUN and MPFUN90 For non-commercial use only. Commercial users contact TTD. |
CR-2097 | | |
DELight | CR-1525 | | |
Desktop Radiance | CR-1587 | | |
DEVSERV | CR-1624 | | |
Drosophila Blastorderm Analysis Software | | ||
EM SHELL | CR-2159 | This code calculates the spectral response of conductive, permeable, shell in a conductive whole space using a closed form solution. The source is either a uniform field (approximately valid when the size of the sphere is small compared to the distance to the source) or the field of dipole (and by superposition, the field of a finite loop). The code is particularly useful in showing that the typical UXO (usually shells), the response is significantly different at intermediate to late times compared to solids of the same materials. | |
ESxSNMP – ESnet eXtensible SNMP System | CR-2466 | ESnet eXtensible SNMP System (ESxSNMP) is used to collect and store large volumes of data. | |
FastBit | CR-2173 | | |
FWAVE | CR-1927 | | |
GenOpt | CR-1517 | | |
Genotator | CR-1265 | | |
GMEP | CR-1765 | | genome-mean expression profiles |
H5Part | CR-2255 | | |
HLZPACK | CR-2183 | | HLZPACK (for Hermitian LancZos PACKage, release 04/00) is a standard Fortran 77 implementation of the Lanczos algorithm intended for the solution of the problem Hx=µx, where H is a complex Hermitian matrix, µ an eigenvalue and x an eigenvector. |
Metabench | CR-2058 | Software to test metadata performance of file systems and devices. Unique characteristic of this benchmark is its ability to be run in parallel. | |
NETLOGGER | CR-1503 | | |
Nux | CR-2179 | | |
OSCARS | CR-2352 | | |
PCCE | CR-2032 | | |
PCCE Server | CR-1899 | | |
PESCAN | CR-2517 | The software calculates the interior eigenstates of a nanosystem with a given Hamiltonian. This is used for nonselfconsistent calculations of electron and hole states for large (a few thousands to hundreds of thousands of atoms) nanostructures. The electron wavefunction is represented by a planewave basis set. FFT is used to transform the wavefunction from reciprocal space to real space to be applied to the potential. Nonlocal pseudopotentials are used in the Hamiltonian and spin-orbit interactions are included. One primary approach is to use the folded spectrum method. Several numerical algorithms are implemented in this package, including the conjugaed gradient method, the Jacobi-Davidson method, and the LOPCG method. The user can select different algorithms based on their particular problem and number of wavefunctions needed to be solved. | |
PEtot | CR-1983 | | |
PROCDN | CR-1972 | PROCDN is a collection of software that provides support in Linux kernel for Globus distinguished name (DNs). The primary component is a Linux kernel module that creates data structures in the kernel for associating DNs with user processes. The other components included with the software help initiate this mapping in the kernel, including patches for the Globus toolkit and a sample implementation for various batch scheduler systems. In addition, the software includes some utilities for listing current mapping in the kernel. | |
ProteinShop | CR-1877, CR-2030 | /ProteinShop.html | |
PYTHON Suite for GRID | various | /software/os/shells/python.php | |
pyWeb100 | CR-2031 | Provides an easy to use high-level interface to Web100. Allows for quick access to TCP kernal internals through a oriented-interface | |
QD For non-commercial use only. Commercial users contact TTD. |
CR-1865 | | This package permits a scientist to perform computations using 64-digit or 32-digit arithmetic, by making only very minor changes to conventional source code. |
Sea | CR-2178 | | |
SecureMessaging | CR-1898 | User interface for sychronous and asynchronous messaging in a secure environment. | |
Self-configuring Network Monitor | CR-2037 | | |
SKYPACK | CR-2182 | | SKYPACK (for SKYline PACKage, release 04/00) is a standard Fortran 77 implementation of a set of subroutines intended for computations (factorization, matrix-vector product) with matrices stored in a skyline (profile) form. |
SuperLU | CR-1851 | | |
TiMAT | CR-2109 | | |
TSDB – Time Series Database | CR-2465 | Time Series Database (TSDB) is used to store large volumes of time series data for analysis of various types. | |
Xtream | CR-1887 | Xtream serves as both a benchmark and a sandbox for determining what performance can be expected from programming metaphors commonly used in scientific computing. |