APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Cancer diagnostics Cancer therapeutics Cancer research ADVANTAGES: Provides markers correlated with increased metastases risk Provides for therapies that block or reverse cancer progression through adjusting glucose metabolism ABSTRACT: Berkeley Lab researchers led by Mina Bissell … [Read more...] about Increased Glucose Metabolism is Oncogenic; Its Reversal May Be Therapeutic IB-2921
Available Technologies
Highly Stable 15nm Micelles for Drug Delivery and other Biomedical Applications JIB-2813, JIB-3230
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Targeted drug delivery Gene therapy Vaccine development Imaging agents Cancer research ADVANTAGES: Long lasting – in vivo half-life 29.5 hours Tunable size and stability provide platform for drug formulation Low “cargo” leakage Deep penetration in tumor tissues – micelles in ~ 15nm range Self-assembling Efficient … [Read more...] about Highly Stable 15nm Micelles for Drug Delivery and other Biomedical Applications JIB-2813, JIB-3230
Assessing Endothelial Function with a Standard Blood Pressure Cuff IB-2772
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Early identification of cardiovascular disease Endothelial function assessment ADVANTAGES: Easy to operate; no need for trained technician Facilitates regular patient testing and feedback More sensitive than conventional flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) measurement Inexpensive to manufacture Fully automated test … [Read more...] about Assessing Endothelial Function with a Standard Blood Pressure Cuff IB-2772
Improved Phylogenic Microarray Design and Analysis Tools IB-2733
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Monitoring water quality Identifying opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria Source tracking pollutants and pathogens Monitoring bioremediation project progress as well as naturally-occurring or introduced organisms at the site … [Read more...] about Improved Phylogenic Microarray Design and Analysis Tools IB-2733
Native Cytokines for the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer and Other Tumors JIB-2718
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Treatment of breast and other cancers ADVANTAGES: Targets cancer cells only; does not damage normal cells Enhanced efficacy in the most aggressive breast tumors No known side effects Potential expansion to other solid tumor types ABSTRACT: Mina Bissell and colleagues at Berkeley Lab have identified and isolated several … [Read more...] about Native Cytokines for the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer and Other Tumors JIB-2718