APPLICATIONS Produce chemicals and plastics from biomass Synthesizing allyl alcohol from glycerol Synthesizing 1,4-dihydrofuran from erythritol ADVANTAGES Yields low cost materials in quantity and quality suitable for manufacturing Some compounds created in one step without expensive reagents Minimal waste … [Read more...] about Producing Beneficial Materials from Biomass and Biodiesel Byproducts IB-2379
Available Technologies
JBEI Polyketide Synthases Portfolio for Production of Chemicals and Fuels EJIB-2820, EJIB-2825, EIB-2878, EJIB-2982, EJIB-3014
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Production of the following from sugar or starch: Dicarboxylic acids Diacids Biotin Precursors to isooctane ADVANTAGES: Sustainable replacement for products currently derived from petroleum Flexibility to achieve material properties not otherwise possible Lower production costs ABSTRACT: Researchers at the Joint … [Read more...] about JBEI Polyketide Synthases Portfolio for Production of Chemicals and Fuels EJIB-2820, EJIB-2825, EIB-2878, EJIB-2982, EJIB-3014
Biological Production of Cinnamoyl Anthranilates EIB-2923
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Pharmaceutical / nutraceutical industry: antioxidants, antihistamines, wound healing / antifibrotic medicines Life sciences research: pharmaceutical, cosmeceuticals and food additive products such as avenanthramides and Tranilast Chemical production ADVANTAGES: Ecological and nontoxic Potentially less expensive than other … [Read more...] about Biological Production of Cinnamoyl Anthranilates EIB-2923
Introduction of a Synthetic CO2-fixing Photorespiratory Bypass into a Cyanobacterium 2013-020
ABSTRACT: Global photosynthetic productivity is limited by the enzymatic assimilation of CO2 into organic carbon compounds. Ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), the carboxylating enzyme of the Calvin-Benson (CB) cycle, poorly discriminates between CO2 and O2, leading to photorespiration and the loss of fixed carbon and nitrogen. With the advent of … [Read more...] about Introduction of a Synthetic CO2-fixing Photorespiratory Bypass into a Cyanobacterium 2013-020
Island Vane Macroparticle Filter for Cathodic Arc Plasma Deposition IB- 2013-071
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Electrochromic windows Photovoltaics Touchscreens Data storage devices Coatings for automotive and aerospace industries Other applications where dense metal and metal compound films are needed ADVANTAGES: Delivers macroparticle-free films High deposition rate Broadens range of applications for arc-deposited films … [Read more...] about Island Vane Macroparticle Filter for Cathodic Arc Plasma Deposition IB- 2013-071