APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Manufacture of soft plastics BENEFITS: Offers the possibility to achieve high 4-vinylphenol (4VP) titers from high-substrate batch cultures with minimal intervention Higher compatibility of undecanol may increase the number of organisms that can be employed for this and other related processes, which could diversify the range of … [Read more...] about Production of 4-Vinylphenol for Bioplastics 2021-122
Available Technologies
Systematic Engineering of Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum Strain for Production of Rhamnolipid (RLs) Biosurfactants 2019-167
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Oil recovery, bioremediation, crop protection, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals BENEFITS: Rhamnolipids (RLs) are industrially well known surfactants, so far only produced by biological routes from sugar. Engineered M. alcaliphilum strain DASS can convert waste-greenhouse gas, methane to rhamnolipids without addition of sugars and other … [Read more...] about Systematic Engineering of Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum Strain for Production of Rhamnolipid (RLs) Biosurfactants 2019-167
Phase Change Adsorbents for Chemical Storage and Separation 2022-112
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Natural gas storage CO2 capture Oxygen storage BENEFITS: Higher storage capacity Better selectivity Chemically stable Intrinsic thermal management BACKGROUND: Gas storage is useful in a variety of applications and industries, from storing methane or hydrogen gas as fuel to capturing carbon dioxide for controlling … [Read more...] about Phase Change Adsorbents for Chemical Storage and Separation 2022-112
Device & Methods for Diagnostic Spectroscopy of Biomaterials and Live Cells in Aqueous Environments 2020-064
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Can be applied to different imaging systems including far-field spectromicroscopy and near-field nanospectroscopy Examples of suitable applications include: characterization of exosomes, vesicles, viruses, microbe-host cell interactions, enzymatic deconstruction of plant materials, biogeochemical processes, signaling during cell migrations … [Read more...] about Device & Methods for Diagnostic Spectroscopy of Biomaterials and Live Cells in Aqueous Environments 2020-064
Single-Photon-Counting Radiation Detector and Data Transmission Methods 2021-113
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Radiation detectors Positron emission tomography (PET) systems BENEFITS: High fidelity position, energy, and time information provided Lower cost than silicon photomultipliers Reduced signal processing footprint BACKGROUND: Radiation detectors work by turning incoming radiation into electrical signals, and information … [Read more...] about Single-Photon-Counting Radiation Detector and Data Transmission Methods 2021-113