APPLICATIONS: Growing primary human epithelial cells for Pharmaceutical development Toxicology Biotechnology research ADVANTAGES: Regular and consistent formulation Superior growth for 1/12 of the price Up to 60 population doublings Can sustain long term cultures ABSTRACT: Researchers at Berkeley Lab have developed a low cost technology for growing … [Read more...] about Basal Media for Culturing Epithelial Cells 2015-009
Available Technologies
Dominant Negative Mutations of Arabidopsis 2013-051
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Plant gene expression for biofuel feedstocks biomass as feedstocks for chemical industry ABSTRACT: Xylan is one of the major polysaccharides in cellulosic biomass. There are four Arabidopsis reduced wall acetylation (RWA) genes shown to be involved in the acetylation of xylan during secondary wall biosynthesis. This invention provides … [Read more...] about Dominant Negative Mutations of Arabidopsis 2013-051
Improving Electrochemical Energy Storage Performance with Ion- and Size-Selective Membranes 2015-067
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Utility grid storage Renewable energy storage Electrochemical devices ADVANTAGES: Polysulfide crossover in redox-flow batteries decreased by a factor of 500 Higher reliability, efficiency and power for redox-flow batteries Low production and maintenance costs ABSTRACT: Berkeley Lab researchers have developed ion- and … [Read more...] about Improving Electrochemical Energy Storage Performance with Ion- and Size-Selective Membranes 2015-067
Consolidated Conversion of Biomass into Biofuels using Ionic Liquids 2014-139
APPLICATIONS: Biomass pretreatment Biofuel production Fermentation of sugars from biomass for other industries ADVANTAGES: Enables “one-pot” processing without extensive washing or special enzymes Enables reuse of ionic liquids ABSTRACT: Researchers at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) have developed a technology to overcome the pH mismatch … [Read more...] about Consolidated Conversion of Biomass into Biofuels using Ionic Liquids 2014-139
Production of Dicarboxylic Compounds from Renewable Sources 2014-158
APPLICATIONS: Production of renewable dicarboxylic acids and corresponding mono-methyl esters for Nylons and other polymers Fragrances Constituents of cosmetics Acne medications Fuel additives and fuels Lubricants Paints and varnishes ADVANTAGES: Provides an environment for precise compound production control Enables production of diacids of varying … [Read more...] about Production of Dicarboxylic Compounds from Renewable Sources 2014-158