APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Cancer treatment – proton therapy dose verification Monitoring for homeland security and nuclear nonproliferation Other applications that require imaging of high energy gamma ray sources ADVANTAGES: Real time monitoring A combination of high imaging sensitivity and resolution More complete and accurate presentation of the … [Read more...] about High Energy Gamma-Ray Imaging and Proton Therapy Dose Verification 2013-076
Available Technologies
Electrically Integrated Graphene on Silicon Nitride Liquid Flow Cells for High Resolution TEM 2014-129
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: TEM for the study of electrochemical processes to advance Catalysis Battery and fuel cell technologies Targeted drug delivery Nanotechnology ADVANTAGES: Atomic resolution and contrast Diminished alteration of samples Simple and easy to use; little to no assembly by final user Reusable ABSTRACT: A Berkeley Lab … [Read more...] about Electrically Integrated Graphene on Silicon Nitride Liquid Flow Cells for High Resolution TEM 2014-129
Local, Nonvolatile Doping of Two-Dimensional Materials 2014-097
For electronics manufacturing companies that plan to use electrostatic gating and substitutional doping to induce charge carriers in two-dimensional (2D) materials but are dissatisfied with the inability of these methods to produce nonvolatile doping profiles with nanometer resolution. Berkeley Lab’s Local Doping of Two-Dimensional Materials offers a process for locally doping … [Read more...] about Local, Nonvolatile Doping of Two-Dimensional Materials 2014-097
Active Modulators and Perfect Shielders Based on Adiabatic Elimination 2014-090
For data and communications device companies that use waveguides to guide light in nanoscale circuits but are dissatisfied with noise and weak signal strength due to signal leakage, this new Berkeley Lab technology’s three-waveguide system is based on an adiabatic elimination (AE) mechanism that uses the middle “dark state” waveguide to separate the two outer waveguides and … [Read more...] about Active Modulators and Perfect Shielders Based on Adiabatic Elimination 2014-090
Centromere/Kinetochore Protein Genes for Cancer Prognosis, Diagnosis, and Treatment 2013-163
Based on a signature of 21 CEN/KT genes demonstrated to be linked to the progression of many different types of cancers, this technology has the potential to identify early stage patients at high risk for disease progression, predict survival prognosis and the risk of metastatic relapse for patients being treated for multiple cancers at various pathological stages, and predict … [Read more...] about Centromere/Kinetochore Protein Genes for Cancer Prognosis, Diagnosis, and Treatment 2013-163