APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: High current, high energy accelerators High voltage probes for appliances and electric utility transmission lines Semiconductor chip fabrication Plasma processing Magnetic fusion Monitoring for corona … [Read more...] about Shielded Capacitive Electrode IB-2513
Back Streaming Electron Dump for RF Ion Sources IB-2744
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Semiconductor industry Accelerators ADVANTAGES: Extends lifetime of ion source backplate and chamber Does not alter extracted ion beam ABSTRACT: Scientists at Berkeley Lab have invented a device that captures back streaming electrons in an RF-driven ion source, thereby significantly reducing the number of electrons that … [Read more...] about Back Streaming Electron Dump for RF Ion Sources IB-2744
Modular, High Precision Collimator IB-2883
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: X-ray research at synchrotron beamlines or laboratory-scale systems Medical X-ray beams Laser systems Particle or liquid streams Beamline diagnostics ADVANTAGES: Fast, high precision controls Fast open-to-close time No mechanical moving parts Modular design enables … [Read more...] about Modular, High Precision Collimator IB-2883
Pulsed Heating to Extend Ion Source Lifetime and Gate Ion Current IB-2994
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Ion source for accelerators in chemical, medical, semiconductor and nuclear industries Modification of alkali ion battery electrodes Ion beam lithography Nuclear instrument calibration Mass spectrometry equipment Heavy ion fusion drivers Ion thruster for space propulsion Surface and material sciences … [Read more...] about Pulsed Heating to Extend Ion Source Lifetime and Gate Ion Current IB-2994
Lithographic Dry Development Using Optical Absorption IB-2816
APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY: Lithographic development of photo resist materials ABSTRACT: A novel approach to dry development of exposed photo resist is described in which a photo resist layer is exposed to a visible light source in order to remove the resist in the areas of exposure. The class of compounds used as the resist material, under the influence of the light … [Read more...] about Lithographic Dry Development Using Optical Absorption IB-2816