APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles ADVANTAGES: Elegant, inexpensive and scalable process High specific capacity ( >1000 mAh/g ) High capacity retention ( 90% ) High areal capacity ( >3 mAh/cm2 ) ABSTRACT: A team of Berkeley Lab researchers led by Gao Liu have developed an elegant and inexpensive fabrication … [Read more...] about Using SiO Anodes for High Capacity, High Rate Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries 2014-113
Lab Licenses X-Ray Beamline Tool
MiTeGen, a provider of tools for X-ray diffraction, crystallography, and protein crystallization to researchers worldwide, licensed diode beamstops for real time measurement of X-ray beam intensity, a technology developed by Diane Bryant and Simon Morton at the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology at Berkeley Lab. "The work done by the team at Lawrence Berkeley National … [Read more...] about Lab Licenses X-Ray Beamline Tool
Boron Nitride Nanopores for DNA Sequencing, Water Desalination and Gas / Liquid Separation 2015-045
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: DNA sequencing for large scale clinical applications Molecular analysis for chemical manufacturing Water desalination Gas / liquid separation for manufacturing of batteries, air filtration devices, and alcohol ADVANTAGES: More scalable than biological nanopores Repeatable shape and size (as small as a single … [Read more...] about Boron Nitride Nanopores for DNA Sequencing, Water Desalination and Gas / Liquid Separation 2015-045
Basal Media for Culturing Epithelial Cells 2015-009
APPLICATIONS: Growing primary human epithelial cells for Pharmaceutical development Toxicology Biotechnology research ADVANTAGES: Regular and consistent formulation Superior growth for 1/12 of the price Up to 60 population doublings Can sustain long term cultures ABSTRACT: Researchers at Berkeley Lab have developed a low cost technology for growing … [Read more...] about Basal Media for Culturing Epithelial Cells 2015-009
Matched Illumination and Detector Interferometry Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (MIDI-STEM) for Efficient Phase-Contrast Imaging 2015-170
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Analyzing material interfaces Imaging classes of materials that are challenging to image conventionally ADVANTAGES: High signal efficiency Good transfer of low spatial frequency information Enables imaging while in-focus to minimize signal delocalization Anticipated to enable complete aberration correction Adaptable to … [Read more...] about Matched Illumination and Detector Interferometry Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (MIDI-STEM) for Efficient Phase-Contrast Imaging 2015-170