APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Electron microscopy ADVANTAGES: Prevents mechanical damage of samples during transfer and use in electron microscopy Provides a pristine and ultra-clean graphene layer ABSTRACT: Researchers at the Berkeley Lab have developed a novel graphene-transfer technology in order to provide a pristine and ultra-clean alternative to the … [Read more...] about Novel Holey Films as Mechanical Supports for Graphene 2019-126
Use of Optical Polarization States to Control a Ponderomotive Phase Plate 2019-118
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Spectroscopy and microscopy ADVANTAGES: Removes the standing wave structure from a ponderomotive phase plate Enables an easier and faster process of aligning the electron beam to the phase plate Ensures data of equally high quality for entire data collection period Tunable phase shift – between 0 and 360° Negligible electron … [Read more...] about Use of Optical Polarization States to Control a Ponderomotive Phase Plate 2019-118
Sinuous Antenna Coupled CMB Detector 2019-150
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Detecting microwave radiation for cosmic microwave background radiation research, though other potential applications include security screening (e.g., at airports) and communications. ADVANTAGES: Ultrawide frequency band between 30 GHz and 300 GHz Sensitivity to polarization Low noise (10^-18 Watt / sqrt(Hz)) from noise-equivalent … [Read more...] about Sinuous Antenna Coupled CMB Detector 2019-150
Hybrid Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Cells () 2019-135
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Water Electrolysis Stationary power generation ADVANTAGES: Enables the deposition of a dense, thin, defect-free, well-adhered electrolyte on a porous electrode Improves the electronic and ionic conduction in the electrode layer ABSTRACT: Researchers at Berkeley Lab and United Technologies Research Center have developed a new … [Read more...] about Hybrid Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Cells () 2019-135
Moment Tensor Reconstruction 2017-095
APPLICATIONS: Seismic monitoring ABSTRACT: Seismic detectors may register movements of the earth generated by earthquakes and other seismic events. However, locating and determining the precise location and mechanism of an earthquake based on data received from seismic detectors may be difficult or impossible with some systems. Gregory Newman and Petr Petrov of … [Read more...] about Moment Tensor Reconstruction 2017-095