All new software needs to be disclosed except for minor bug fixes or error corrections to (i) previously disclosed software or (ii) third party open source software.
For developers of open source software, the University of California provides guidelines and tools and a list of acceptable open source software licenses.
IF THE RESEARCH YOU ARE WORKING ON IS RED ON THE S&T RISK MATRIX: Do NOT submit an online disclosure via the Innovation Portal as this tool is not CUI-equipped. Follow these instructions.
Disclose Software
For best results:
1) start a new browser session or close other tabs
2) log in to the Sophia Innovation Portal (LDAP required)
3) click on the link below
(From the portal home page, you can also click on “Online Software Disclosure” under Tasks.)
Submit your software disclosure online
Save your session! If you don’t complete your disclosure in one session, you may return to it later. Do not create another copy of your submission.
To save your session, first go to your Sophia Innovation Portal settings on ‘Customize Home Page’ and add ‘Your Submissions’ to your home page. If you need help accessing your disclosure, please contact
Materials and Resources
- Third party software worksheet (DOC)
- Software Disclosure Example
- Frequently asked questions
- Slides from webinar on software licensing and distribution (Oct 23, 2024)
Questions? Contact