IPO is assembling Berkeley Lab’s formal response to NIST. To provide input regarding improvements to technology transfer processes and partnership mechanisms as well as solutions for more efficient, effective tech transfer, email iportal@lbl.gov by June 29, 2018.
For America to maintain its position as the leader in global innovation, bring products to market more quickly, grow the economy, and maintain a strong national security innovation base, it is essential to optimize technology transfer and support programs to increase the return on investment (ROI) from federally funded R&D.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched an initiative to
· Improve lab-to-market transition of federally funded innovation
· Develop and implement more effective partnering models and technology transfer mechanisms
· Enhance tech transfer effectiveness by improving methods of evaluating ROI and economic / security impacts of federally funded R&D and then focusing on proven approaches
Details on the initiative are available at NIST’s Return on Investment (ROI) Initiative web page.
To support NIST, Berkeley Lab’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO) will take the lead in preparing the Lab’s response to the initiative’s Request for Information (RFI). Our response will address the following questions from NIST’s RFI, incorporating input from Lab leaders, researchers and technology transfer staff:
1. What are the core tech transfer principles and practices that should be protected? What principles and practices should be adapted or changed?
2. What issues pose systemic challenges to the effective transfer of technology, knowledge, and capabilities resulting from federal R&D?
3. What is the proposed solution for each issue described in question 2?
4. What other ways to significantly improve transfer of technology, knowledge, and capabilities resulting from federal R&D to benefit U. S. innovation and the economy?
If you have input to share on any of these four areas, email iportal@lbl.gov by June 29, 2018.
IPO will contact you regarding next steps in early July.
NIST has conducted four public forums on RFI since May 17, 2018. For additional information, see NIST’s public forum slide presentation and the RFI, as presented in the Federal Register on May 1, 2018.