Effective Oct. 1, non-Federal sponsored research pre-award contract management moves from the Office of Sponsored Projects and Industry Partnerships (OSPIP) to the Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO). Non-federal sponsors include
- industry (including Federal flow through awards)
- universities (including Federal flow through awards),
- state & local governments,
- non-profits,
- foreign entities,
- all CRADAs,
- all gifts and
- all user agreements.
Federal Strategic Partnership Program (SPP) agreements (formerly Work-for-Others, WFO) and M&O Contractor (Other DOE labs) pre-award contract management moves from OSPIP to the OCFO Budget Office.
Contracts Officers (COs) are now assigned to either IPO or OCFO. Go here for COs assigned to IPO.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I know which Contracts Officer will be helping me with my research proposal?
Answer: It depends on what type of sponsor you are submitting the proposal to. If it is a U.S. Federal Government Agency (i.e. NIH, NASA, etc) or a DOE M&O Contractor (i.e. ORNL, SANDIA, etc.) then a Contracts Officer in the Budget Office will help you. If the sponsor is a non-federal sponsor (University, company, non-profit, state or local government, or foreign) then a Contracts Officer in the Innovations and Partnerships Office (IPO) will help you.
2. I am partnering with UC San Francisco and they will submit an application to the NIH which Contracts Officer will help me?
Answer: Since your are partnering with UC San Francisco and they are submitting the application, your direct sponsor is considered to be non-Federal and you will be getting help from the Contracting Officer supporting your Division in the Innovation and Partnerships Office (IPO). Go here for COs assigned to IPO.
3. I have a company who is interested in giving the Laboratory a gift to support my research area, who do I work with?
Answer: Go to the Partnerships page and scroll down to the Gifts heading for details.
4. I want to contract with a company to provide some data collection services on my NIH grant, do I contact IPO or the Budget Office Contracts Officer?
Answer: Neither, since you are contracting with a company to do work for the Laboratory, this is a subcontract that would be handled by the Procurement Department. Click here for the Procurement Department’s Webpage.
5. I am trying to utilize eSRA for my proposal to U.C. Berkeley but I am confused, who do I contact?
Answer: Please email your questions to eSRAhelp@lbl.gov. Based on your question, one of our eSRA support staff will contact you back to help with your questions.
6. A company has approached me with some questions and may want to fund a research project, who can help me with some questions they are asking?
Answer: Contact the Contracts Officer in the Innovations and Partnerships Office (IPO). They will work with the IPO team supporting your Division and technology area. Go here for COs assigned to IPO.
7. Argonne National Laboratory wants to me to partner with them on a project with a private company which Contracts Officer should I be working with?
Answer: The Contracts Officer in the Budget Office assigned to support your Division will work with you on this submittal because your direct sponsor is Argonne National Laboratory, a DOE Laboratory also called a DOE M&O Contractor.
8. I am interested in working with a foreign sponsor on either a CRADA or SPP (formerly Work-for-Others, WFO) who should I be working with?
Answer: The Contracts Officer in the Innovation Partnerships Office (IPO) assigned to support your Division. All CRADAs and foreign sponsored work will be handled by the staff in IPO. Go here for COs assigned to IPO.
9. I receive my DOE funding by submitting my proposals through the DOE Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) will I use eSRA instead of PAMS?
Answer: No you will continue to use PAMS to submit your proposal to DOE but you will also have to submit some information on your proposal into eSRA which is LBNL central repository for all proposals both DOE and non-DOE funding applications.