APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Hydrogen storage Fuel cells ADVANTAGES: Exceeds DOE 2017 gravimetric and ultimate full-fleet volumetric targets for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) Stabilize reactive nanocrystalline metals at zero valency ABSTRACT: Berkeley Lab and University of California, Berkeley researchers led by Jeff Urban developed a technology to … [Read more...] about Nanostructured Graphene and Magnesium Composites for Hydrogen Storage 2015-089
microNIMS for Enzyme Assay 2016-049
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Industrial enzymes Biomass deconstruction for chemicals or fuel production ADVANTAGES: Sample preparation automated from the source Reduced reagent consumption Controlled transport Able to screen large numbers of mutants at small volumes using microfluidics ABSTRACT: Trent Northen and Joshua Heinemann of the Joint … [Read more...] about microNIMS for Enzyme Assay 2016-049
Engineering Microbes for Biosynthesis of Terpenes 2016-005
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Biofuel production Flavor enhancement ADVANTAGES: Reduced cost Reduced variability Improved materials handling ABSTRACT: Terpenes are biofuel candidates for auto, diesel and jet engines, provided they can be produced at sufficiently high productivity and at competitive cost. These same terpenes can be widely used as flavor … [Read more...] about Engineering Microbes for Biosynthesis of Terpenes 2016-005
Optical-Cavity Phase Plate for Controllable, Stable Phase Shift in TEM and Cryo-EM Applications 2017-080
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Biological research using high resolution cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) Hard-matter material characterization Other forms of research using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ADVANTAGES: Ensures data of equally high quality for entire data collection period Equally useful for radiation-tolerant and … [Read more...] about Optical-Cavity Phase Plate for Controllable, Stable Phase Shift in TEM and Cryo-EM Applications 2017-080
Startup Partners with Berkeley Lab for Waste Heat Recovery Technology
Energy Technology Area researchers Vi Rapp and Ravi Prasher are partnering with Alphabet Energy, a startup founded on Berkeley Lab technology, to develop a cost-effective  thermoelectric waste heat recovery system. The project, funded by a $2M grant from the California Energy Commission, seeks to reduce both energy use and pollutant emissions from industrial facilities such as … [Read more...] about Startup Partners with Berkeley Lab for Waste Heat Recovery Technology