R&D100 Awards Eligibility
- The technology must have been first available for purchase or licensing from January 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017.
- A photograph of the product (or screen shot for software) must be provided. Therefore, inventions solely at the proof-of-concept stage may not qualify.
- Go to the R&D 100 Awards website for a complete list of technology categories.
- Nominations are submitted online and are due April 14, 2017.
Ideal Nominees
- A nominee should be either a completely new technology or a significant improvement to an earlier approach.
- The nomination form requests a great deal of performance data; therefore, stronger nominees are often relatively well developed, i.e., there is a working prototype, the technology has been licensed or has attracted licensee interest, etc.
- The invention need not stand alone in its field. In fact, having competitors, even if they use a different technological approach to achieve similar results, is a sign that the invention has beneficial and meaningful applications. R&D Magazine editors tell us every year that the most important section of a nomination is a thoroughly prepared matrix comparing the nominee to competitive technologies.
- The nomination must present meaningful benefits of the technology, not only interesting science.
- Finally, it’s an added bonus if the technology seems “cool” to non-scientists as well as experienced researchers.
More Information
- Contact Suzanne Storar, x-4306, in the Berkeley Lab Innovation and Partnerships Office
Berkeley Lab’s Nomination Process
Berkeley Lab researchers need their Division’s approval to nominate a technology, as the time, resources and nomination fees come from the nominating Division. Once you have your Division’s approval, contact Suzanne Storar in IPO. You will be put in touch with your Division’s nomination manager, who will work with you to ensure a complete nomination package to the competition by the April 14, 2017 deadline.
Webinar: How to Win an R&D 100 Award – Dr. Cathy Riddle, INL
Slides from Jan. 23, 2017 webinar
Dr. Cathy Riddle is an INL researcher, specializing in radiochemistry and radiochemical separations. In 2016, she served as a judge for the R&D 100 Awards. This presentation is developed from Cathy’s experience developing technologies and describing them for the R&D 100 Awards and from experience last year on the other side of the process. Her insights will help both researchers and communications professionals hone awards packages for maximum attention and impact in the judging process.