Modular Vapor Phase Photo-Electrochemical Cell (2018-007)
The invention is a photoelectrochemical cell stack consisting of a light absorber, cathode, semi-solid electrolyte membrane, anode, and external circuit, that utilizes solar energy to drive oxidation and reduction reactions for the production of useful gases.
Inventors: David M Larson *;Karl Walczak
Contact: Lucian Sweitzer
Novel Organic Semiconductors for Energy Conversion Applications (2013-138)
The invention provides a unique synthetic method of TPC derivatives for energy conversion applications.
Inventors: Bo He;Yi Liu *;Andrew Pun
Contact: Lucian Sweitzer
Conversion of Light Energy into Mechanical Work (2706)
This invention is a simple and efficient method for converting light energy into motion using a composite of an absorbing material and a transparent plastic, enabling movement of objects of various sizes in various liquids without complicated materials or processes.
Inventors: Jean M.J. Frechet;David C Okawa;Stefan J Pastine;Alexander K Zettl *
Contact: Lucian Sweitzer
Thermoelectric Energy Conversion using Complex Oxides (2400)
This invention is a series of nontoxic thermoelectric systems using complex oxides, with strontium titanate as a model, that offer wide thermoelectric tunability and promise advancements in the development of microprocessors and optical components, potentially approaching a ZT figure-of-merit of 1 at high temperatures.
Inventors: Mark Huijben;Arunava Majumdar;Ramamoorthy Ramesh *;Matthew L Scullin;Choongho Yu
Contact: Lucian Sweitzer
Sunlight-Derived Energy Storage, Transport, and Conversion by Organometallic Assemblies (2603)
This invention is a system that converts solar energy to chemical energy, which is then stored and later released as thermal energy, with the possibility of further conversion into electrical or mechanical work.
Inventors: Arunava Majumdar;Rachel A Segalman;Kurt C Vollhardt *
Contact: Lucian Sweitzer