APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Continuous crosswell seismic monitoring of Oil and gas reservoirs Aquifers for CO2 sequestration Monitoring stress changes near earthquake faults Monitoring hydraulic fracturing and enhanced oil recovery ADVANTAGES: Aids in optimizing oil recovery by providing real time and continuous data on reservoir dynamics Enables … [Read more...] about Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM) 2013-161
Devices for Fresh Water from Ground and Surface Water IB-3121
APPLICATIONS: Produce fresh water from highly brackish ground and surface water in commercial / industrial and private settings Desalinate water sources with ionic contaminants Remove toxic, naturally-occurring ionic contaminants from underground water supplies ADVANTAGES: Potential for higher performance and lower cost compared to state-of-the-art Utilize … [Read more...] about Devices for Fresh Water from Ground and Surface Water IB-3121
High Energy Gamma-Ray Imaging and Proton Therapy Dose Verification 2013-076
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: Cancer treatment – proton therapy dose verification Monitoring for homeland security and nuclear nonproliferation Other applications that require imaging of high energy gamma ray sources ADVANTAGES: Real time monitoring A combination of high imaging sensitivity and resolution More complete and accurate presentation of the … [Read more...] about High Energy Gamma-Ray Imaging and Proton Therapy Dose Verification 2013-076
Electrically Integrated Graphene on Silicon Nitride Liquid Flow Cells for High Resolution TEM 2014-129
APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY: TEM for the study of electrochemical processes to advance Catalysis Battery and fuel cell technologies Targeted drug delivery Nanotechnology ADVANTAGES: Atomic resolution and contrast Diminished alteration of samples Simple and easy to use; little to no assembly by final user Reusable ABSTRACT: A Berkeley Lab … [Read more...] about Electrically Integrated Graphene on Silicon Nitride Liquid Flow Cells for High Resolution TEM 2014-129
Local, Nonvolatile Doping of Two-Dimensional Materials 2014-097
For electronics manufacturing companies that plan to use electrostatic gating and substitutional doping to induce charge carriers in two-dimensional (2D) materials but are dissatisfied with the inability of these methods to produce nonvolatile doping profiles with nanometer resolution. Berkeley Lab’s Local Doping of Two-Dimensional Materials offers a process for locally doping … [Read more...] about Local, Nonvolatile Doping of Two-Dimensional Materials 2014-097